Important Phishing Alert

We want to bring an important matter to your attention regarding recent emails you may have received concerning "Refunds" or "Account Closure." These emails are phishing attempts by fraudsters who aim to obtain your sensitive card information. We want to assure you that we take your security seriously and want to provide you with the necessary information to stay alert and protected.


Phishing is when fraudsters attempt to trick individuals into revealing personal and banking information through urgent and enticing messages. These messages often appear as attractive offers, luring you into disclosing confidential information that can be misused.

How is phishing done

Fraudsters may send emails that appear to be from Deem, requesting you to take immediate action by clicking on a link provided. However, these links redirect you to fake websites controlled by the fraudsters, allowing them to collect your confidential information for illicit purposes. Some common tactics used by fraudsters include:

- False claims of pending refunds, urging your action
- Threats of imminent account closure or suspension
- Requests for approval or decline of pending payments

Important tips to protect yourself:

1. Never click on any links in emails that claim to direct you to your online banking facility, as these links could lead you to fake bank websites or install harmful software on your computer.
2. Always access Deem's services by directly visiting our official website at 'www.deem.io' using your browser. Please note that this is the only domain we use for all our communications with you.

At Deem, your security is our utmost priority. We are committed to maintaining a safe banking environment for you, and we appreciate your cooperation in staying vigilant against phishing attempts. Should you have any concerns or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated customer support team.