You can start by simply getting in touch with us, as soon as, an unexpected circumstance that may potentially impact your current monthly payment obligation arises. Our Collections Service team will certainly be happy to assist you on 600525550.

You may also opt for a Debt Counselling, which is being offered through debt counseling agencies, also known as credit counseling. Debt counseling agencies are professional companies that work with creditors on your behalf to reduce your monthly repayments towards your liabilities. You will be required to meet with a debt management consultant to review your finances where you will then be provided with personalized recommendations based on your financial capability.

Another important point to remember is to take note of the payment due date on your Credit Card and/or Loan account, so as to ensure timely payment and you are not inconvenienced by any applicable late payment charges getting levied on your account. For Loan account, we advise that you monitor the available balance on your bank account at least 3 days prior to your loan due date, as this will help to ensure that your balance is always sufficient for your loan monthly installment, which will be presented to your account for clearing via Direct Debit Instruction. For Credit Card account, the due date for repayment on Credit Card is 21 days after the statement date, we therefore encourage you to make a payment towards the minimum due amount or even the total card outstanding balance within this period. Please click here to view Deem’s updated schedule of fees and charges, and we request you to regularly review this schedule to familiarize yourself on our prevailing fees and charges.

To better manage your finances and have ease of mind or for any Collections related issues, please get in touch with us by contacting directly on 600525550 or by emailing

You can also contact any of our below Debt Counselling partners at your convenience:

Lotus Debt Management